Vinyl 7" EP


Chest (Inch)

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Item no. : HALVEP106
Product type : Vinyl 7" EP
Release Date : 14 December 2018



New 7" EP by the d-beat/crustpunx known as Distress. This time its a split 7" EP that see the lights of day; and what an EP! You can obviously get this one just for the Distress side alone - but do not. On the flipside youll find Irritation. Yes, its that powerunit of crustpunx from Sala, Sweden. Fucking ace - no vinyl, no d-beat.
Side A - Distress 
01. Drowning in shit 
02. Invisible enemy 
03. Puppets 
Side B - Irritation 
01. Människors ringa värde 
02. Knegarens klagosång 
03. Kan inget bli sämre [Totalitär]
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